Once upon a time, in the not so distant past, I would've probably been hitching a ride to an after party, waiting in the drive thru at Taco Bell, or stumbling into my apartment to sleep off what will likely be a hangover for the record books. And while I thoroughly enjoyed my college years (all seven of them), I could kick myself for wasting such valuable time. I've since discovered how much more one can do with these unholy hours of the morning:
1) Laundry, and thinking of creative ways to get stains out of everything. With a new baby, there seems to be a never-ending source of clothes that have been peed, pooped, spit-up on, or any combination of the three.
2) Cruise Facebook. I now know way more about my friends than I ever cared to.
3) Watch documentaries on Netflix. I now know way more about making Q-Tips than I ever cared to.
4) Burn calories and loose 'baby weight' doing laps and/or dance through your house. This was sort of an accidental discovery as the was actually to get the baby to sleep.
5) Desperation dial. Similar to the drunk dial, these calls are made under the influence of sleep deprived dementia rather than alcohol.
This is, of course, not a comprehensive list. I'm sure to discover many more ways to be more productive at all hours of the night.
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