Monday, April 8, 2013

There's No Crying in Baseball

Charlie is two and half now and talks... a lot. Sometimes no one has the slightest idea what he's saying and other times he says stuff like this:

"Come on Dad, you're killing me."

"There's no crying in baseball."
Mumbles- "That's right, there's no crying in baseball."
"What's a baseball?"

While my husband was painting our kitchen cabinets and there was dust all over, I asked Charlie to take his 'beautiful, brown blanket' (yes, that really is what he calls it) back to his room so that it wouldn't get dirty. An argument ensued and he told me " You go lay down in your room, Mommy."

He also does stuff like this:

The other day Micha was giving him a bath. Charlie was laying on his back in the tub and started giggling. He was peeing straight up in the air.

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